In a puzzling turn of events, approximately 47,000 sacks of wheat have vanished from a government storage facility in Khairpur district, Sindh. This disappearance, amounting to a staggering Rs. 800 million worth of wheat purchased by the Sindh government, has sparked significant concern.
The Sindh Food Department has swiftly responded to the alarming situation by suspending three key food officers implicated in the incident. Among those suspended are the district food controller of Khairpur, the supervising food officer, and the food inspector.
Unfortunately, this is not an isolated occurrence. Similar incidents have been reported previously, such as the disappearance of wheat from Sindh government warehouses in Naushehro Feroze in 2022.
In response to the growing concern over wheat management, the Sindh cabinet convened a meeting at the CM House on March 20. During this meeting, attended by provincial ministers, advisors, and officials including the new Chief Secretary Asif Hyder Shah, Advocate General, and Prosecutor General, a decision was made to establish a wheat procurement target of 900,000 tonnes.
The inexplicable disappearance of such a substantial quantity of wheat raises questions about the integrity of the grain management system in Sindh. As investigations continue into this baffling incident, it serves as a stark reminder of the importance of robust oversight and accountability in food distribution and storage processes.