The Provincial Ombudsman (Mohtasib) Secretariat Baluchistan. a statutory organization established to redress grievances of general public sufferings from maladministration of government functionaries has to hire services of Director (B-19) at its Regional Office located at ZHOB. Suitable candidates with requisite skills, experience. integrity and competence may apply:-
- Job Assignment To Investigate mal-administration in matters relating to government functionaries of Baluchistan
- Eligibility Retired BPS- 18 and above Government officers, Preferably from administrative service
- Pay Package, Pay as admissible under prescribed rules.
- Other terms and conditions
- Applications/CVs “v1th complete b o-data and one passport size photograph should reach at P.O 430, GPO. Quetta within 15 days from the date of advertisement.
- Short-Isled candidates will be called for interview.
- No TA/DA will be admissible.
- Job shall be initially for one year and probation of three months
- Candidates must be Local I Domicile of Baluchistan .
- The services of selected candidates can be placed at any of the Regional offices of Ombudsman office Baloch
Ph:081-9201302 P.O.Box.430 .GPO Quetta.
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