Author: Amna Riaz

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) record heaviest rainfall in 75 years this week, leading to widespread disruption and chaos across the country. Some areas saw more than 250 mm (around 10 inches) of precipitation in less than 24 hours, an event unprecedented since records began in 1949 [UAE records heaviest rainfall in 75 years]. Dubai, a popular tourist destination, particularly hard hit. The city witnessed flash floods, uprooted palm trees, and damaged building facades. The deluge brought traffic to a standstill, grounded flights, and forced schools to close. In just 12 hours on Tuesday, Dubai received an astounding 100 millimeters…

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Nestled in Bavaria, southern Germany, lies a charming village called Fuggerei where residents have enjoyed incredibly cheap rent for over 500 years. This unique community, established in 1520 by Jakob Fugger, boasts a remarkable tradition: affordable living in Fuggerei with annual rent of just one euro! Fuggerei offers 67 houses, a church, and a garden, all at an unbelievably low cost. However, there are a few conditions to qualify for residency. Firstly, applicants must be Catholic. Secondly, they need to be residents of the Fuggerei area for at least two years. Lastly, as a token of appreciation to the Fugger…

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BPaL: A New and Effective Treatment for TB The World Health Organization (WHO) has expressed hope for the success of TB treatment by Bpal a new and effective method. According to the WHO, there were 10.6 million cases of TB in the Asia Pacific region in 2022, more than any other region in the world. The report states that 1.3 million deaths from TB reported worldwide, more than half of which recorded in the Asia Pacific region. Experts say that the TB germ has developed resistance to drugs over time, and there was a need for a new drug that…

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A hilarious translation fail on a sign at an Indian railway station has gone viral on social media, highlighting the importance of accurate translation and careful proofreading. The incident serves as a reminder of the potential pitfalls of relying heavily on machine translation tools. Translation Fail: A Sign of Confusion The sign, which was displayed at Ranchi Junction in Jharkhand, India, intended to provide information about the Hatia-Ernakulam Express, a weekly train service connecting Ranchi and Ernakulam cities. However, due to a translation error, the name of the train rendered as “Kolapathakam” in Malayalam, the language spoken in Kerala. Translation…

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Nestled amidst the towering peaks of the Italian-Swiss Alps lies the charming village of Viganella, a place where sunlight is a precious commodity during the harsh winter months. Surrounded by mountains that block the sun’s rays, Viganella experiences darkness for three months each year, from November to February. This unique situation has led to an innovative solution – the installation of giant mirrors to reflect sunlight into the village. Valley of Mirrors: A Tale of Darkness and Innovation In 1999, the village’s mayor, Angelo Freschi, sought to address the prolonged darkness that plagued Viganella. He proposed a solution that seemed…

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In a bizarre twist of fate, in Iowa, a man steals identity of another person. The suspect, Matthew David Keirans, 58, not only assumed the identity of William Donald Woods but also managed to have the real Woods arrested and committed to a mental health facility. Man Steals Identity, Lives Another Life: A Web of Deception Keirans’s elaborate scheme began in the late 1980s when he obtained Woods’s Social Security card and birth certificate. Using this stolen information, Keirans created a fake driver’s license in Woods’s name and began living a double life. For the next three decades, Keirans seamlessly…

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A Kentucky man has been arrested because man fakes death to avoid  child support to his ex-wife. Jesse Kipf, 39, allegedly accessed an online death registry system using the credentials of a doctor he found online and created a fake death certificate for himself. Kipf’s scheme unraveled when his ex-wife received a notice from the Social Security Administration informing her of his death. She immediately contacted the authorities, who launched an investigation. During the investigation, Kipf admitted to creating the fake death certificate and using it to avoid paying child support. He also confessed to accessing other government websites and…

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In the heart of Italy, nestled amidst the charming streets of a Sicilian town, lies a peculiar testament to human spite and ingenuity – the aptly named “Spite House.” This narrow structure also known as the “Casa di Spite” or “House of Hate,” stands as a reminder of a bitter feud between two neighbors in the 1950s. Italy’s Spite House: A History of Spiteful Architecture The story of the Spite House begins with a local law that allowed homeowners to add upper floors to their dwellings. Provided they obtained their neighbors’ consent. One resident, eager to expand his living space,…

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This isn’t your average April Fools’ joke! A bird in Bicester, Oxfordshire, has left police officers scratching their heads after it convincingly mimicked the sound of their patrol car sirens. Bird Mimics Police Siren with startling accuracy! Thames Valley Police shared a video on social media showcasing the talented avian impersonator perched in a tree, chirping its usual tune before seamlessly transitioning into a perfect two-tone siren rendition. The unexpected serenade initially caused confusion at the force’s roads policing base. Officers suspected a malfunction with their vehicles’ sirens upon hearing the familiar wail. “” captures the hilarious exchange, with the…

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A 62-year-old man in Germany has stunned medical experts by revealing that he has received 217 doses of COVID-19 vaccines over the past 29 months. Despite this extraordinary number of vaccinations, the man has not experienced any negative side effects. Researchers have confirmed that the man received 217 doses of eight different COVID-19 vaccines. They have also analyzed his blood samples to assess the impact of the multiple vaccinations on his immune system. The man’s case has sparked interest among scientists. They are eager to understand how his immune system has responded to such a high number of vaccine doses.…

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