To test yourself or home test for Covid-19, you will required a self test kit for Covid-19. You can buy any kits easily available in the market. Read all instruction written on kit carefully and make sure that kit is not expired. You can also visit nearest Healthcare Centre or read following instructions carefully.
Before performing self test
- You need to wash hands with soap for minimum 20 seconds
- Where gloves and open the kit, Then read all instructions written on it to collect saliva or nasal specimen.
Self-Testing for Covid-19
Self testing required only samples of saliva specimen or nasal specimen. But it only depends upon your kit you buy. So you must read all instructions carefully explained by kit manufacturer to perform test accurately.
Following steps will help you for better performance of self testing for Covid-19.
- While buying self testing kits make sure components of this kit are not expire and sealed properly.
- Keep all components at temperature mentioned in instructions to find accurate results.
- Open your kit only when you are going to perform self test.
- You need to set timer as you will need this for performing different steps in self testing process.
- Once you have go through testing process, read results only in specified time. Reading results before or after the guided time may resulted in inaccurate results.
You must discard or decompose all testing material after getting samples and results right away by following instructions. Also clean all surfaces and things that come in contact with your hands while performing test.
Note: If you find your results positive than isolate your self instantly and contact with nearest Covid-19 center.
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